Gaming The Aftermath
Produced and curated by Diffractions Collective – Vít Bohal, Dustin Breitling hosted by APART Surveying a planet fraught with climatic, …
Existentially weighted time decay: speculative fragmentation and political immunology
Transcript of Michael Uhall's talk at WyrdPatchwork#5 My answer was that architecture, as a social and primarily constructive act, could …
#WyrdPatchworks 5
In the wake of Covid-19 and its convulsions that have rendered ever more salient a global system dependent on the …
Wyrd/Patchworkshop Series
- Essays in Regenerative Finance
- Gaming The Aftermath
- Existentially weighted time decay: speculative fragmentation and political immunology
- #WyrdPatchworks 5
- Speculative Ecologies Launch and Podcast
- "Operation Anthropolysis" Installation
- Automatic Autonomia
- Hypersonic Hyperstitions
- Thinking Through Memes
- The Drone and Urban Space
- Future of the Past: A Look at Macedonia's Contemporary Political Art
- The Conflict in Syria: An Analysis
- Camouflage and Photographic Surveillance
- The Function of the Image in the Age of Mechanical Destruction
- Humanitarian Design and the Spirit of Capitalism
- Accelerationist Jihad
- For an Economy without Money, Thoughts on postmonetary practices
- Vectors and Visions
- Schizophonic tendencies: subjectivity and sound
- Being No-One: Self Model Theory of Subjectivity
- Constructing Cons(piracy) and Hyperstition: sowing the seeds of Discordia?
- Accelerate # 3: Hackterium & Synthetic Intelligence
- Accelerate #2: Accelerationism
- Accelerate #1: NBIC (Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno)
- Geo-Media Materialism/Archaeology
- Geneconomics: ethical considerations for the privatization of genes
- Geneconomics: Ethical considerations for the privatization of genes
- SEDMIKRASKY |translations in color| – (Guests)
- Digita(l) (I)nFrastructures (Part 2)
- Digita(l) (I)nFrastructures (Part 1)
- Contemplating Nomaesthetics, art as an extension of habit
- Algorithms & Speculation