22/09/2018 @ Punctum
“Patchwork, in conformity with migration, whose degree of affinity with nomadism it shares, is not only named after trajectories, but “represents” trajectories, becomes inseparable from speed or movement in an open space.”
– Deleuze & Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus
“The truth is that there is not enough of the right kind of freedom, the fundamental freedom to choose to be free or not to be free, according to one’s preference….Thus I demand, for each and every member of human society, freedom of association according to inclination and of activity according to aptitude. In other words, the absolute right to choose the political surroundings in which to live, and to ask for nothing else. […] In each community a new office is opened, a “Bureau of Political Membership”. This office would send every responsible citizen a declaration form to fill in, just as for the income tax or dog registration: Question: What form of government would you desire? Quite freely you would answer, monarchy, or democracy, or any other… and once registered, unless you withdrew your declaration, respecting the legal forms and delays, you would thereby become either a royal subject or citizen of the republic. Thereafter you are in no way involved with anyone else’s government—no more than a Prussian subject is with Belgian authorities–“
– Emile De Puydt
Sdbs and Diffractions jointly cooperate to workshop an application/game/project/platform revolving around the idea of ‘Patchwork’–basically examining the role of technologies that afford the opportunity for decentralized networks to emerge and importantly the possibility of how those networks can be realized or manifested in physical space.
We would kindly like to open the discussion to anyone interested in coordinating similar work in order to realize the complex, nodal connections bringing Prague and [deterritorialized] virtual-based artists and thinkers together into the initial Patchwork conception.
Production: diffractionscollective.org | sdbs.cz | punctum.cz
Guests and speakers: Justin Murphy | Xenogoth | Dustin Breitling | Casey Carr | Vit Bohal | Tomas Mladek | Seb Chum
DJs: solsol | Amalgam | TeaPot
Closed discussion/workshop: 1500-1900
Talk, chill and music: 2000-2200
Your bartender for the day(until 2300) will be Honza K. of Fu-Munchies.
Thank you to punctum.cz
Please, if you can, DO NOT USE FACEBOOK around here.
At least do not share today’s proceedings on FB.
Please contribute to Punctum infrastructure (ideal goal: 2 000 CZK for this evening).
Prosím přispějte na Punctum infrastrukturu (ideální cíl: 2 000 CZK za tento večer).
And also try to spend as much as you can at the bar.
A taky zkuste utratit co nejvíc můžete na baru.
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